Monday, December 30, 2019

3 Ways Recruiters Can Help In Job Search

3 Ways Recruiters Can Help In Job Search3 Ways Recruiters Can Help In Job SearchAre you tired of spending time searching for recruiters contact info, only to finally reach out to them but almost never hear a response? Lets turn that far-too-familiar scenario into a different result one that has the recruiter helping you, and you helping the recruiter in mutually beneficial fashion.Recruiters can be a fantastic resource for you when youre looking to change jobs. However, since youre not in a permanent state of job search, here are three ways recruiters can be helpful to you all year-round, then you can call on them much more easily when the time comes for you to look for your next stelle1 Nurture Your NetworkNo one wants to hear from you only when you need something. Networking is an activity you need to engage in always whether youre working or not. When you come across a good recruiter, nurture that relationship. Keep track of the good ones, the exact same way they keep track of th e good candidates.Think of ways to add value to the relationship. For example, when your recruiter friend asks you if youre interested in position X, if its not for you, you can still turn that into a win. Evaluate the people in your network to identify the person whos right for the position. Are you missing out on an opportunity by offering up someone elses name? No. The opportunity wasnt right for you in the first place. By making a referral, you are helping the recruiter do his job, and potentially helping your friend or colleague as well.2 Be the Inside ManMost people approach the recruiter relationship thinking the recruiter is there to do something for the candidate. However, relationships that are mutually beneficial work best. One thing you can do for the recruiter is share information about whats happening in your company or department. Perhaps youre about to launch something new or open a new division. This type of sharing is not gossip, insider trading information, or any thing that should violate confidentiality. Its merely two professionals in the same industry talking in a normal conversation.When you share, and when you cultivate the relationship, the recruiter is more likely to share. A recruiter worth his salt will let you in on the job orders hes working on at the moment.3 Squelch The SurprisesWhile youre building relationships with recruiters over the course of time, it would be reasonable for you to be promoted in your current organization. Share that with the recruiter call him up with the good news. The recruiter appreciates knowing this. He doesnt want to come across a role that may be interesting to you, only to find out you were promoted and received a hefty compensation increase two months ago.Ive connected countless job candidates with the right recruiters, who got them placed in the jobs they really wanted. Im crystal clear about how to help you start those same relationships so you can land where you want to land professionally.Let s make 2017 the year you land your dream job. Dont just say to yourself that this year will be better. Do something now to guarantee it. People tend not to see job search success in the quick, easy way they want because they are not learning enough from their current strategies. Theres no reason to just throw spaghetti onto the wall to see what sticks. Ask yourself? What have you already done really well? Perhaps youve maximized your LinkedIn profile and resume, and now are armed and ready to make a solid number of new recruiter contacts.? What did you shy away from because it was difficult? Just because recruiters can seem disrespectful in not returning your calls, you cant take it personally. If its hard to plug into a large number of recruiters, then perhaps its time to re-think the strategy youve been using up to this point.? What new job search technique do you need for the new year?Submitting your resume online to all the job sites is not the thing that works. What does work i s directly reaching out to the right recruiters in your industry and where you live.If youd like to share your answers with me, Id love to hear them Just post a comment below.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Prepare for Government Job Interview Questions

How to Prepare for Government Job Interview QuestionsHow to Prepare for Government Job Interview QuestionsPreparing for a government job interview is bedrngnis difficult. It just takes time to research the organization and position, anticipate interview questions and prepare questions to ask the hiring manager. Here are the specific things that you can do to prepare for a government job interview. Devour the Organizations Website Researching information on the organizations website helps you gain a broad understanding of what it does, who it serves, who occupies executive positions, the latest information the organization has put out, and what is happening right now. Remember this information is biased. The organization will put itself in a positive light. Information from other sources will give you a complete picture. Look at how the agency presents itself in comparison to what other sources tell you. Hopefully, they are similar, but if there is a large difference, the agency m ay be trying to spin a story when they should be owning up to mistakes. The website should have hyperlinks to the agencys enabling statute and administrative rules. Depending on the position you apply for, it may be helpful to review these. You can get the gist of them in laymans terms elsewhere on the website. Information on the organizations website helps you develop questions to ask at the end of the interview. Asking a well-researched question at the end of an interview is a great way to leave a good impression. Such a question shows you did your homework and are genuinely interested in the organization and the position. It does not have to be anything earth-shattering. Just asking what a set of statistics, a chart, or a law means can be impressive. Read the Press Clippings Search the Internet for news stories about the agency. This will help you learn about the issues that the organization is facing, who is involved and how the agency is responding. Press clippings can help you see where there are disagreements between the agency and lawmakers, interest groups, or individuals. Look at the balance of good press versus badeanstalt press. Too much bad press is one of the signs that a government agency is in trouble. Be cautious when considering employment with a troubled agency. You do not want to leave a stable situation for a rocky one. If the agency is experiencing a reduction in force, avoid that agency unless you have no other options. It is usually the most recent hires that are let go first. Look for Clues in the Job Posting A government job posting is usually good about telling you exactly what the agency wants in the person they hire for the position. This is because subsequent documents in the interview process - such as personality testing, in-basket exercises, and interview questions - are based on the job description. The job description should be highly similar to the positions performance plan and evaluation criteria. You should have already gone over the posting in great detail when you applied for the job, but it may take a while for a government agency to go through all the steps necessary to make a list of finalists to be interviewed. Go over the posting again. Spend even mora time with it than you did when you applied for the job. The posting will tell you the knowledge, skills, and abilities that you need to demonstrate you have. Think about each of these items in relation to your professional experience. The best indicator of future performance is past performance. Relating the KSAs to your personal life is acceptable, but it is better to relate them to paid work experience. Anticipate the Interview Questions Many of the interview questions will be derived from the job posting. For instance, a job posting may list one of the required abilities as the ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing to diverse audiences. If you flip the required ability into an interview question, it would b e something like this In your previous experience, how have you communicated effectively to diverse audiences? If you flip around each KSA into a question, you can prepare yourself for many of the interview questions you will be asked. Prepare Questions to Ask Your Interviewer As you prepare for your interview, you will come across things that confuse you or that do not make sense. Perhaps there is a report on the agencys website or a KSA that could be interpreted several ways. Think of some questions to ask during your interview. Make sure your questions are not self-centered. Do not ask about pay, benefits, holidays, or vacation. These items can be discussed once you have a job offer. Avoid questions about job advancement unless they are absolutely necessary. You want to show your interviewer that youre interested in doing this job well more than you are about finding the next job.

Friday, December 20, 2019

6 ways to reset your routine this spring

6 ways to replatzset your routine this spring6 ways to reset your routine this springWere not sure how it happens every single year - but April often arrives as a surprise for busy professionals. The chill of the winter (and the recovery from the holidays) has many hibernating during the start of the year, so when the temperatures rise, so do the stakes to deliver.With the start of the second quarter, the end of the year somehow feels instantly eminent, challenging hard workers to refocus, reset and strategize for them months ahead. Since spring is notorious as the season of cleaning - why not apply the same mentality to your habits?Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraBranding expert Wendi Weiner says now is a solid opportunity to take an introspective look into how you can firm up your own personal skill set closet to power your way through the remaining nine months of the year.H ere, ways to double-down and shape-up ASAPGet real about your schedule and goalsNo matter if youre an entrepreneur, a senior vice president, a director or a one-person show, an effective schedule that helps you meet your goals is essential to success. No matter how motivated someone might be (or how much they adore their gig), its easy to be tempted by late nights or cutting corners here and there. You know yourself best, so get real with how youre approaching your day-to-day.Are you sticking to a routine or falling short of it? Is your current way of doing things creating roadblocks and challenges for you? Weiner asks. Consider the ways in which you can create a schedule that ensures alignment with your goals and creates stronger patterns of success. Focus on a detailed plan and map.Prioritize focusing on right here, right nowLike it or not, everyone faces some harsh math at some point in their career, according to career expert Michael Dermer. What does he mean? Well, youve been t here you have 100-hours worth of work and only 10 left to complete it. This thought alone is enough to send your heart rate sky-high, but take a breath, and focus on the here-and-the-now of today.Instead of focusing on the tasks of the day, they worry about what is not getting done. This is counterproductive. Focusing on the ninety-nine things that you cant do that day or mentally jumping ahead to tasks that require multiple days is wasted time and effort, he continues.To solve this, decide what you need to complete in this work day. And then? Let the worry of the other things fall to the side.Focus on the items you have determined require your attention that day. The path to success is rarely built with giant leaps for mankind but steadily won with, determined, daily progress. When we chip away at todays to-do list, we build powerful momentum for our business, he adds.Reset your thinkingWhile some years are full of exciting adventures, career-changing feats, and six-figure mileston e others are lackluster, complicated and frustrating. If the start of 2019 has been paved with angst, Weiner says its time to reset your thinking and attitude. This doesnt mean playing the blame game either, but being frank about areas of improvement and gaps for growth.Ask yourself what has happened and how would you like to change it. Think about how your own personal behaviors can be adjusted to help you reset or revamp your way of doing things, she continues. Perhaps that means focusing on mora positive thoughts and affirmations on a daily basis.If you have been filled with a lot of negative in your life, perhaps it is negative energy that is festering up and you need to take charge of that for stronger professional growth and better professional outlook.Do the hardest thing first thing in the morningYouve heard this advice before - but for good reason. We have the fruchtwein mental agility, energy and flow first-thing in the morning, so its best to use it to your advantage. M any people are tempted to delay the most stressful item of their day, but thats a mistake, according to Dermer.Unfortunately, ninety percent of people check their email as soon as they get to work. That turns their agenda over to someone else. They do it because its easy and you feel more effective in a shorter time by answering emails, he explains. Focus first on the hardest task of the day. This will allow you to apply your best to the most important jobs. Resist the temptation to do mindless or easy things to gain a brief sense of accomplishment.Prioritize your self-careSo, you finally made the leap and went freelance full-time. Or - congrats - you became a parent. Maybe you took on extra duties at work thanks to a promotion and youre overwhelmed, to say the least. All of these exciting ventures are just that - but also stressful and time-consuming. When you arent giving yourself enough TLC, getting enough sleep or maintaining a work/life balance, your productivity will plumm et.Even though you cant always control how much you time you receive, making an effort to carve out a bit of space for recovery and zen each week will improve your overall happiness - and creativity - on and off the job.Silence your technologySure you paid $1,000 - or more - for that fancy iPhone but how much of your hard-earned hours has it sucked away from you? Most folks are tempted by text messages, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and so on, but dont realize how much cradling this daily sidekick is stealing your attention.Shifting your attention from one task to another, as we do when were monitoring email while also reading a report and answering text messages, disrupts our concentration and saps our focus. Each time we return to our initial task, we use up valuable cognitive resources reorienting ourselves, Dermer explains. Research shows when we are deeply engrossed in an activity, even minor distractions can have a profound effect. Its up to you to protect your cognitive r esources.The more you do to minimize task-switching over the day, the more mental bandwidth youll have for activities that matter.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How To Write A Resume Summary With No Experience

How To Write A Resume Summary With No ExperienceHow To Write A Resume Summary With No ExperienceThis is a step-by-step resume writing article will walk you through how to write a resume summary. This article is intended for new job seekers, teens, students, and recent graduates. Knowing how show off your skills and abilities in a professional summary is an advantage that will help you get hired faster. This article will coverWhere a resume summary belongs in a resume?How long your professional summary should beWhat job seekers should list in a summaryResume summary FAQWhereDoesAResumeSummaryGoInAResume?Your resume summary should be the first thing hiring managers read when looking at your resume. To make your resume summary the center of attention, it needs to be distribution policyd directly below your name and contact information. Try using the true red resume template which has a clearly defined resume summary section already in place. HowLongShouldAResumeSummaryBe?There is no har d and fast rule for resume summary length. But most HR experts agree that it should be between one to four sentences. What To List In A Professional SummaryNow that we know how long your resume summary should be and where to place it, lets discuss the content your resume summary should contain. If you need more summary inspiration, check out this list of 30 realistic resume summary examples if you have no experience or limited work experience hereSentence 1The first sentence of your resume summary will include a strong adjective to describe yourself, the position you are applying for, and your level of education. Lets check out these examples Personable entry-level restaurant hostess currently pursuing a bachelor of science degree in biology from EdgeWater University. Passionate entry-level cashier possessing an associate of arts degree from EdgeWater Community College. Hardworking entry-level landscaper who recently obtained a GED certification. Sentence 2The second sentence of you r resume summary will dive into the hard and soft skills you possess. Here are some examples Strong verbal and written communication skills combined with a hardworking attitude. Strong computer skills, including experience with MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and Adobe Creative Suite. Strong time management and organization skills. Sentences 3 4After describing your skills, the next one or two sentences will focus on your achievements, volunteer work, certifications, or interests. Check out these examplesPrevious experience volunteering in local homeless shelters practicing food service and customer service. Possesses a CPR and first aid certification. See alsoBest List of Action Verbs For ResumesPassionate about aeronautics, technology and science. Resume Summary FAQLets answer the most common resume summary questions that job seekers ask.Q What is a resume summary?A A resume summary, also known as a professional summary, is the section of your resume that gives the hiring man ager a brief overview of who you are professionally, what you have done in the past, and what your relevant skills are.Q How long should a resume summary be?A A resume summary is written in paragraph form and should be 1 to 4 sentences in length.Q Where does a resume summary go on a resume?A The resume summary should come directly after your name and contact information.Q Should a resume summary be written in first or third person?A Your entire resume, including the resume summary, should always be written in third person. Avoid writing I, My or We.Q What should you include in your resume summary?A Your resume summary should include a descriptive adjective, your desired job title, and your level of education. Your achievements, certifications, and interests are also optional.Q Should you always use the same resume summary?A No A resume summary should be tailored for each job application.Q Can I include my personal hobbies in my resume summary?A Avoid writing your personal hobbies in your resume summary unless they are relevant to the job you are applying for.In most cases, the hiring manager doesnt need to know that you love riding your bicycle or that you love playing video games. unless you are applying for a video game tester or to the circus, of course.Dont miss our related article on what to list on your resume when you have no work experience or limited work experience here

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Boost your teams effectiveness with these 7 questions

Boost your gruppes effectiveness with behauptung 7 questionsBoost your gruppes effectiveness with these 7 questionsWhats top of mind for you as a leader? If you are like most, its how to improve results as quickly as possible. And often, you need to achieve this in spite of fewer resources, including a tighter budget. But heres the thing If your team is not tapping its full potential, it will be a struggle to achieve the expected results and impossible to surpass them.Time is a precious commodity, and where to focus your attention is one of the most important decisions you must make every day. Too often, team effectiveness is near the bottom of the to-do list - if it even makes the list at all. However, putting your teams effectiveness at the top of your to-do list will quickly pay dividends in enhanced results.While improving team performance may sound like a mammoth task, we have discovered through years of research and working with teams that it can be brought down to size by con sidering seven core behaviors and practices. If you as a leader keep an eye on these and provide support where needed, you and your team will be surprised by what you can achieve.To get a taste of the seven practices and a sense of their strength within your team, ask these seven questions1. How cohesive is our team?Are team members working in the same direction toward a common goal? Or is time and energy being wasted by team members focusing on tasks and activities that wont lead them in the right direction? Do team members have a clear and common definition of what constitutes success and the values, roles, and priorities required to get there? When a team lacks cohesion, there is wheel-spinning and poor decision-making, as well as wasted time, energy and resources.Prompt If you asked your team to list the departments top three priorities, would everyone have the same list?2. How is our teams ability to handle change?This requires that your team not only be receptive to change but also be able to implement change and adapt their behaviors and practices as required to move forward.Prompt When change is on its way, are heels digging in or are sleeves rolled up?3. Is shared leadership the norm in our team?When there is shared leadership, team members are in charge of directing their own work and making decisions related to their tasks as much as possible. The leader seeks input from the right people as needed, and team members seek input from one another.Prompt If team members are constantly running to the leader to solve problems, this is an area that cries for improvement.4. How are our group work skills?Group work skills refer to the ability to effectively facilitate a meeting, solve problems, make decisions and reach consensus.Prompt Do people leave meetings with a sense of accomplishment and looking forward to the next one?5. How healthy is our teams climate?A healthy climate refers to how team members feel about the way the team functions, including their level of comfort with team norms of behavior. Sometimes considered to be a soft issue, this is actually a critical foundation of a healthy, high-performing team. Signs that indicate a teams climate is unhealthy include a high degree of unproductive conflict, a lack of trust and respect for one another, low energy, and low morale.Prompt If members are hesitant to speak up, this is often a sign that the climate needs attention.6. Does our team think innovatively?When a team demonstrates strong innovative thinking, members are on constant alert for better ways to do things and challenge the status quo when old norms hinder their progress.Prompt If a new idea or better way of doing things hasnt been suggested by a team member in the past week or two, this is an important practice to examine.7. How is the individual contribution of team members?Team members contribution includes the degree to which individual team members take initiative and manage their own individual performance.Promp t If there is grumbling in the team about members not pulling their weight, this is a practice that requires further discussion.Answering these questions gives you a quick look at these seven nonnegotiable core practices and behaviors. Your teams strength in each of these areas determines their degree of success. Simply having the team self-assess and come to an agreement on the required change can begin to strengthen the practices and behaviors. If you become fanatically focused on these by looking for both strengths to celebrate and opportunities for improvement and then provide the support to make those improvements, you will find that you have your foot on the power pedal. As a result, your team will take off.Nicole Bendaly is President of KCo. For over 20 years, Nicole Bendaly has been researching and training healthcare teams to weed out apathy and amplify the best in themselves. As a published author, dynamic speaker, creator of the Team Fitness Tool and president of KCo., sh e has established herself as a respected thought leader in team development and organizational behavior. KCo. works with organizations to fix what isnt working and amplify the things that are. Their mission is to challenge the status quo, inspire better teams and shift the working world in a direction that actually works.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Cna Resume Objective Trap

The Cna Resume Objective Trap Placement The objective is the initial section below your contact information on the very first page of your resume. If you have a parteicular field of study or additional certifications, be certain to include them. Each component of the resume should detail specific details about you. Failing to incorporate the appropriate information could cause your application being rejected. Top Cna Resume Objective Choices 1 other steps the capacity to talk and just how nicely the individual has the capability to connect to your own team. When you compose an objective that expresses your willingness and urge to play your part you show potential employers that youre a team player and youre prepared to work in combination with others to supply care. Seeking a Nanny stelle where demonstrable love for kids and the yearning to create a difference in young lives in the best manner is uppermost. You will also need to concentrate on your social capabilities, in cluding creating a bigger feeling of empathy. Another valuable tool to discover local positions is to just hunt for Google using your intended area. You will find three kinds of resumes, each with its own advantages and pitfalls. Utilize your wisdom, so that as always, you always have to prepare several resumes for lots of forms of organizations. Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. If you take a close look at sample resumes online, you are going to observe dozens of unique formats and resume templates. To begin with, templates have to be comprehensive. You will receive everything categorized in pre-designed templates out there in reliable sites. Thus, theres no need to try to build a single job application profile or compose an individual profile title that fits every position you should fill out an application pertaining to. In general, theres not anything wrong with utilizing a work application objective. Whether you re an expert CNA or just getting started, you may benefit from taking a look at sample resumes from different CNAs and observing some basic guidelines to enhance your resume writing. When you make an application for work in person, you might be requested to complete a paper application. Exactly where you opt to place your abilities on your resume, be koranvers to target your list of skills to the particular job. Instead, review the work posting to have the fundamental abilities and become sure to list the significant skills that you do have. Show hiring managers how great youre by utilizing action words that cause you to appear to be a superhero. Include hobbies associated with the job youre applying for. Defining your CNA resume objective letter may also help set the tone for the remainder of your resume. Or perhaps you just completed your CNA certificate and wish to manage sick kids. Once you get your certified nursing assistant certificate, the next thing to do is to pr epare your resume so you can put in an application for a job. If youre a CNA with no experience, give a fast introduction of who you are and why youd be a very good hire. Communication skills are very vital in your CNA resume. If youve just finished your CNA Program and are searching for a job to begin, here are some quick links that could assist you in writing a successful resume and writing your first resume as a CNA. A suitable presentation is among the most crucial elements of writing a good CNA resume. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Cna Resume Objective Profession objectives are amazingly crucial as they will let companies know within seconds what you must provide you. Applying for a job is never a simple undertaking. Your Purpose ought to be intelligent and have to communicate you skill to help your prospective employer. How to Get Started with Cna Resume Objective? My aim is to get a position within the medical. Even though most areas have plen ty of open positions, there. Conversely, if youre asking for a research position, you can set your research experience initially and include more detail on previous research experiences. For instance, if you are asking for a clinical position, you may have to set your clinical experiences first and get into additional information about your preceding part in clinical experiences. Should it match, then youre probably on the brink of locating the correct job. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you want a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. Taking the opportunity to compose a great nurse aide resume tells recruiters you mean business and are seriously interested in securing work. You could also search and view resumes of unique applicants who have the kind of job youre looking for to acquire insight into the experience and skills employers value.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Defining Your Career Path on Your Own Terms

Defining Your Career Path on Your Own Terms According to a 2012 Gallup poll, 65 is the average age American workers plan to retire. But can you imagine if someone set the bar 38 years lower? Well, thats exactly what entrepreneur Brenton Hayden did when he not only set a goal to retire by age 27, but he accomplished this.According to his bylined story on Yahoo Finance, at age 21, Hayden set a retirement savings goal of $7 1000000 and a retirement age of 27. And just months past his 27th birthday, he transitioned into retirement with a net worth of just under $20 million.Now, to many, this may sound crazy to even consider retiring so early. Hayden agreed, writingYou can imagine that telling people youre planning to retire after less than a decade of work can get you some disapproving looks. I probably couldnt sound lazier if I tried.He went on to say that all too often people associate retirement wi th trading in work for rest and relaxation, yet he refused to have that all or nothing mindset. Retirement for him could mean traveling to Peru one week and then working on media tours for his company the next week, he said.And I wholeheartedly agree with him. Hayden not only defined retirement on his own terms, but his career path as well.Although people may have deemed the notion of retiring before age 30 lazy Hayden did not. He decided to come up with his very own definition of retirementone suitable for him and his goals. And he did the same thing with his career choices.I researched Hayden a little further and it turns out that he is the CEO and founder of Renters Warehouse, a very successful property management company with locations throughout the U.S. After high school, unlike the traditional route, Hayden did not attend college. In fact, his only educational experiences listed are one-month entrepreneurship and real estate management programs from Harvard Business School an d MITs Sloan School of Management.He started working as a sales rep at Kellogg right out of high school and quickly worked his way up to territory manager. After losing his job to downsizing, the then 19-year-old Hayden switched to real estate, working for a man he deemed the top real estate guy in town. It was during this time that Hayden caught the entrepreneurial bug as he watched the man successfully grow his business.It wasnt long before Hayden ventured out on his own to open Renters Warehouse. And he even dabbled in other entrepreneurial endeavors like limousine companies, restaurants, dotcom companies and HVAC companies. He was also a radio host and producer.Hayden has accomplished so many things in such a short time in his career and it is all because he made the decision to go against the grain. I wonder what would happen if more people followed his lead?So often we are taught that there are only acceptable paths to take in life. One must graduate high school and go to coll ege to be successful. You have to work 40+ years to be able to retire. Most new businesses fail so the better, more secure route is to work for someone else instead of becoming an entrepreneur.To choose a path that deviates away from the norm is often considered risky, deemed a future failure and/or lazy, as in Haydens case.But each person is different, so what works for one person may not be the best option for the next. To be truly successful, you must define your career path on your own terms instead of following the status quo. And if that means setting yourself up to where you can retire before the age of 30, by all means, take that route.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Habits Successful People Follow Every Day -The Muse

5 Habits Successful People Follow Every Day -The Muse5 Habits Successful People Follow Every DayYou know those days when you leave work feeling amazing, pumped that you were highly productive? On the flipside, Im sure you have days that are just the opposite. Ones that leave you feeling frustrated, wondering whether you got anything done. What if there was a way to end every day knowing that it was successful?Unfortunately, theres no bulletproof formula to guarantee this, but there are certain practices you can follow thatll help. Here are five habits that, if practiced daily, can boost your success at work1. Keep a Gratitude JournalGratitude journals have grown wildly popular and I can understand why. Earlier this year, I started a journal and committed to writing down one thing Im grateful for every day. At 159 days in, Im still going strong. I found that expressing gratitude every morning before work gets me in the right mindset and helps me prepare for the days challenges. But do nt take my word for it. A study by UCLA found that people who regularly wrote down what they were grateful for were more optimistic and cheerful than those who didnt. Interestingly, they also had fewer doctor visits and fewer work absences. Expressing gratitude daily is a simple, quick practice that has a massive impact, and theres even an app for it in case youre not a fan of physical journaling like I am. 2. Reduce Context SwitchingContext switching is when you jump between various, unrelated tasks. Youre heads down on a project but get interrupted by an urgent message. A few minutes later, a conversation between co-workers distracts you, and, after you finally refocus, you remember an email you should have responded to earlier in the day. Does this sound like your day?While rapid context switching may seem like the norm of the modern worker, Jessica Harris from Trello explains how it comes at a high cost We spend an average of just one minute and 15 seconds on a task before being interrupted. It takes an average of 25 minutes to resume a task after being interrupted. Heavily multitasking can temporarily lower your IQ by up to 15 points.You probably cant eliminate context switching altogether, but being mindful of the productivity damage it causes will allow you to create rules to avoid distraction (more on that in a second). 3. Create If/When-Then PlansI learned about this habit from Robert Cialdinis book, Pre-Suasion A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. Heres how it works. You plek a cue, then pick a desirable action that you can link to that cue. Here are a few if/when-then rules I follow If/when I need to work without interruption, then I leave my desk and find a drop-by room.If/when its time to eat lunch, then I order a salad. Boring, I know.If/when I get a calendar invite for Thursday (when my company has a no-meeting policy), then I move the meeting to a different day. Research suggests that people who use if/when-then planning are between t wo and three times more likely to achieve their goals. This type of planning is effective because youre proactively creating automatic responses. When situations arise that might prevent you from reaching your long-term goals, youve already decided how youll act. 4. Exercise- Even if Only for a Few MinutesYou know you should exercise- the benefits are significant. But knowing isnt the tough part- its finding time in your busy schedule to make it happen. Running, cycling, or going to the gym may be ideal, but all you really need is a few minutes. One option is the 7-Minute Workout. Its an intense workout you can do almost anywhere and is proven to deliver results. Taking a short break to go on a walk is a great way to reduce stress. A few years back I committed to going on one walk in the middle of the workday. These quick strolls elevated my heart rate, for just a few minutes, and it enabled me to go back to my work with renewed focus. So, even if you dont have time to hit the gym, exercising for only a few minutes each day is still worth it. 5. Have a Shutdown RitualEric Barker, a best-selling author who wrote an entire book on success, teaches the importance of having a shutdown ritual in which you take the time to close out the days business and prepare for tomorrow. His research found that the simple act of writing down the things you need to take care of the next day can settle your brain and help you relax. My shutdown ritual includes making a concise list (no more than three) of the most important things I need to do the next day. Since committing to this practice Ive found that I think less about work when Im out of the office. My ritual also includes cleaning my desk and shutting down my laptop, practices signaling that my work day has come to an end. It turns out that implementing this has been found to relieve anxiety and help you enjoy your evening. One final thought. While each of these five habits is intended to help you be more successful, its important to also pause and take a moment to define what success means to you. These are guidelines, and, ultimately, youve got to create your own standard of excellence and measure progress accordingly. Because real, lasting success comes by aligning your actions with whats most important to you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Easy Way to Bounce Back From A Setback at Work-The Muse

An Easy Way to Bounce Back From A Setback at Work-The MuseAn Easy Way to Bounce Back From A Setback at Work-The MuseEvery person will experience a setback at in their career. It might be a job interview that didnt go well, a networking introduction that never happened, or getting laid off. Whatever the specifics, bumps in the road are part of the territory- and finding a productive way to cope with your struggles is something anyone can benefit from. It turns out that something as simple the way you think about an obstacle has a lot to do with how successful youll be at getting through it. It comes down to your mindset- the ideas and attitudes with which you approach a situation. Translation Just changing how you think about a problem can help you solve it.I know it sounds too good to be true, but it isnt. Leading motivation and behavioral change researchers ranging from Stanfords Carol Dweck to Case Western Reserve Universitys Richard Boyatzis have demonstrated through compelling re search just how powerful mindsets can be. For example, in a study of pre-med students, Dweck showed that students with a limited, Im as good as Im ever going to get mindset got worse grades than those with a growth, I can get better mindset. Just by viewing their progress differently, they ended up with different outcomes.Changing your mindset works outside the classroom, too. It can help you overcome a challenging situation in just three steps. Lets take a job interview for example that you didnt getStep 1 Become Aware of Your Default OpinionBeing able to step back from your current situation and identify how youre thinking about it is at least half the battle. Whats the lens through which youre currently thinking about the issue? Do you see it as a promising opportunity or a worthless, annoying task? The story you tell yourself- what you currently believe to be true- this is your default mindset. Default Mindset For an Interview That Didnt Go Well Thats a huge setback. This kind o f opportunity will never come up again. Im elend good at this and should just give up.Step 2 Consider the Completely Opposite MindsetThis is where your imagination and creativity comes into play. If you were to think about this issue an entirely opposite way, what would that look like? Instead of a disaster, what if you saw this as an incredibly lucky break? This is not about which mindset is true. They all have elements that are true, as well as blind spots. This is also not wishful thinking. Imagining a different one is exactly that- recognizing that a different way of looking at the situation may lead to different ideas about what to do next. Let your mind bounce around a few ideas.Opposite Mindset 1 Theres a lot to learn from that interview. I bet if I focused on what I could learn and tried again, Id do better. Time to be on the lookout for the next opening. Opposite Mindset 2 Maybe I choked, not because Im a bad applicant, but because Im not really into this role, and should l ook elsewhere. Step 3 ChooseMindsets are a choice. It helps to imagine each one as a different pair of glasses that provide different perspectives on your issue. Go ahead and them them on until you find one that fits you. Notice how you feel and think when wearing it. (Use the STOP technique to tune into how it makes you feel.) Does this perspective energize you? Does it provide some new ideas? Compare these to what comes up when you consider your default. Keep imagining different perspectives until you come up with fresh ideas that help you feel unstuck. Choosing Your Mindset Im going to look at this interview as a learning experience, and not indicative of my entire career. Next time, Im going to practice with a friend beforehand so I can go in fully prepared.Remember, mindsets are never completely true or false. The question is not whether youve landed on the right one, but rather How useful is this outlook compared to the alternatives? So, pick the one thatll help you get over a career hurdle and move forward.

Carbon Nanotubes Enable Gene Transfer

Carbon Nanotubes Enable Gene Transfer Carbon Nanotubes Enable Gene Transfer Michael Schrlau was a dyed-in-the-wool mechanical engineer throughout most of his formal education, which was not surprising given his love of anything automotive. If you had asked him 15 years ago whether he would be working in the field of bioengineering, I would have looked at you cross-eyed, he says. But as he studied for his doctorate, he began to think about what kind of use there might be for the cool nanotube-based probes he enjoyed making. Fast-forward to today, and Schrlau, assistant professor of mechanical engineering in Rochester Institute of Technologys Kate Gleason College of Engineering and founding director of the universitys Nano-Bio Interface Laboratory, is working to integrate biological and artificial systems at the micro/nanoscale level in areas, such as nanomanufacturing, nanomanipulation, technology-biology interactions, and biomedical applications. Most recently in collaboration with the University of Rochester Medical Center, Schrlau and his team have developed a new, more efficient method for gene transfer using carbon nanotubes to deliver fluids into cells. One of the most difficult things to do right now is to modify cells, says Schrlau. The current techniques either have safety risks or are not efficient. Our technology is allowing a quick, simple method of delivering genetic material, proteins, and particles into cells quickly and safely. For cancer therapy, that means we can deliver cell therapy quicker before its too late for a patient. For DNA editing where biologists are coming up with solutions to cure diseases by either modifying the genetic makeup of cells and they dont have a way to do that, we provide a technology to do that. Electron microscope image of animal cells (blue) cultured on an array of carbon nanotubes. Image: University of Rochester The simple, inexpensive, and efficient process involves inserting biofluids into cells using an array of carbon nanotubes. The arrays are shaped like tiny drinking straws bundled together to spread fluids or molecules to cells over a larger area than has been possible before. In fact, the number of cells reached simultaneously can be in the tens of thousands. In one test of the new nonviral/nonchemical method, the researchers observed that 98 percent of the cells survived and 85 percent successfully received the new genetic material. This increases the ability to introduce simultaneously more test biofluids into larger and more varied populations of target cells. But there are still some challenges. One of the biggest is manufacturing the devices, says Schrlau. We need many more for end users to try them, he notes. The standard process for removing the membrane and exposing the embedded nanotubes is using reactive ion etching, but there are some throughput issues, says Schrlau. So the team is looking at ways to make a smaller device with less complicated processes and higher throughput. To commercialize the product, We need to reduce the complexity of the manufacturing process. We are trying to figure out different ways. Thats where mechanical engineering steps in, he says. A focus now is on a polishing wet-etch technique that ends up with the same result as reactive ion etching but is much simpler, quicker, cheaper, and results in higher throughput, he says. This will now produce about ten membranes in a week. Although only one is needed to transect hundreds of thousands of cells, because biologists do repetitive experiments, it wouldnt be uncommon to use a whole set of ten in a week, he says. The team is looking in the next year or two to be able to manufacture the devices consistently, repeatedly, and in large quantities for a variety of applications. We are making really good progress because of the polishing process, Schrlau says. At the same time, were getting preliminary data on the hard-to-transect cells t-cells, stem cells, neurons three broad areas where we are focusing. Good Results With this and with overcoming the production barrier, we will see an upswing in terms of doing longer term studies, more robust studies, comprehensive studies of all cell types, he says, adding that there will be a lot more variety of cell types that can be transected efficiently. Schrlaus mechanical engineering mindset There has to be a better way is what started him on this career journey. While exploring how to merge technology and biology, Schrlau was learning cell electrophysiology technology from a highly trained, experienced, expert who was beyond the post-doc level. Using a well-established technique, it took the expert months to get a couple of data points. I thought about this smart cover slip idea, he says. If I had a device or surface where I could put cells on top and be able to inject things in the cells and measure electrical signals, you could do hundreds of thousands of data points simultaneously rather than a couple every few months. Imagine the data that you would gain. I was motivated to expedite biomedical research to help understand the basic unit of life and how disease progresses at the single cell level. There just werent high-tech techniques to do that. Thats what got me into this. Nancy Giges is an independent writer. For Further Discussion Our technology is allowing a quick, simple method of delivering genetic material, proteins, and particles into cells quickly and safely.Asst. Prof. Michael Schrlau, Rochester Institute of Technology